While living in Italy, I started painting rabbits, not choosing per se` to create a theme, but just for fun, to include my rabbit in occasional landscapes. Living up in the mountains at the time with a small child, my son Giulio, our rabbit Tom, became a huge focal point in our lives. During this time, he slowly took a more central place in my paintings to the extent that I started to think of ideas using rabbits of different colors and situations. Soon the rabbit became the theme and the landscape was almost incidental, even though I still painted outside. Their individual personalities began to shine through and I sometimes had them wear jackets which for me was a wonderful way to use color.
I found, in retrospect that this mysterious and proud animal guided my creative interior life and had opened to me a new and sometimes strange world. I would almost say that this was the door opening the world of our unconscious. It was almost that through the animal, I was able to explore certain states of being that otherwise remained mute points. That through this animal I have created a language. Now I ask myself, what should I do? And an image will instantly come to me. One image links to the next and I earnestly hope the viewer enjoys them as much as I do!